
Welcome to the Danish Vaishyas blog. The music blog is no more. No more updates, no more downloads. As for today Danish Vaishyas will focus on the music collective and releasing our records on limited, handmade cd-r's.

Danish Vaishyas is a stack of likeminded avant-garde and free-improvisation musicians and we are always looking for new weird heads and original, crazy ideas, so if you have any of those, please don't hesitate to write us at danishvaishyas@gmail.com.

ahiḿsā satyam asteyam akāma-krodha-lobhatā
bhūta-priya-hitehā ca dharmo 'yaḿ sārva-varṇikaḥ

(Nonviolence, truthfulness, honesty, desire for the happiness and welfare of all others and freedom from lust, anger and greed constitute duties for all members of society.)

And with no further delay - this is the catalog:

mandag den 24. august 2009

DV003 Martin 'Aum' Jensen - Trommuset Til Sölu

Martin 'Aum' Jensen - Trommuset Til Sölu SOLD OUT!! Download below

So! Here it is. A solo free-jazz drum record from Martin 'Aum' Jensen. 20 minutes of explosive drum freakouts. No effects, no mastering, nothing fancy. Just dry, harsh, free-style drumming in five pieces. Enjoy!

You can buy this cd-r for 15dkr/2€/3$. Email me at

Or you can DOWNLOAD it HERE

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